Fiscal Imbalance in a Nutshell
Andrew Potter has pointed out an article in Macleans on a recent report that seems to be simply perfect on the issue of the so-called fiscal imbalance...
- The provinces' fiscal problems began when they cut taxes deeply in the 1990s
- You can't entirely blame the provinces for these tax cuts as they are competing with each other
- This is why the provinces need to complain about a federal "fiscal imbalance" instead of simply raising taxes to meet their needs
- And it's why a freeing-up of tax room by Ottawa wouldn't be accompanied by the provinces stepping in to fill the void... (see any provinces raise their sales tax 1% this past July 1?)
- The provinces, however, insulated themselves somewhat from their fiscal problems by downloading onto the municipalities. This is a real fiscal imbalance as the municipalities don't have the fiscal tools to pay these costs
- As the provincial fiscal crunches have eased, they've haven't done much to reverse the municipal fiscal imbalance
The sick truth is though that the Tories and their minions at MacLean's would denounce any provincial government that raised taxes. The problem is no province has a premier willing to stand up to those denunciations.
Greg, did you read the Maclean's article? It was about a report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Not exactly anti-tax zealots. In fact the article has a plan for how to increase provincial revenues.
Yes, what you say is true, but I can still hear the denunciations (that, of course, could just be the voices in my head).
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